Saturday, November 22, 2008

Musings on Christmas

I really am sorry at how terrible I am at this. But here's a post for you.

I’m a big fan of Christmas. A really big fan. I mean, I go to Starbucks just for the Christmas cups, and I started listening to Christmas music weeks ago. I bought a soap from Lush today that they only have over Christmastime, and it made me irrationally happy.
I am also a really big fan of Christmas in New York. The tree at Rockefeller centre, the windows at Saks and doing Christmas shopping on 5th avenue—they’re all perfect for getting me in the Christmas mood.
So naturally, I was a little apprehensive about having Christmas in Australia. Not only will it be hot*, but I just didn’t know how well Australians would do Christmas.
So far, I’ve been pleasantly surprised. Sure, they started a little early (with no Halloween or Thanksgiving in the way, decorations were making their way up in October), but I can’t deny that I definitely feel the Christmas spirit. In the QVB (Queen Victoria Building), a gorgeous mall in the centre of Sydney, there’s a Christmas tree that extends up through every floor, covered in Swarovski crystals. Definitely Christmasy.
But some new decorations appeared a week or two ago, and with these I take a bit of an issue. They are flag/banner things that hang from most street lamps throughout Sydney. They’re bright, colourful, and remind me every time I walk outside that Christmas is coming. So what kind of issue could I have with them?
I’ll tell you.
When I think of Christmas animals, the first thing that comes to mind is a reindeer. After that, I guess sheep and cows, judging by traditional pageants, and a lobster, judging by the pageant in Love, Actually.
So why, Sydney, why do two of the four banners feature a cockatoo and what I assume to be a possum??
I know Australians have some weird traditions, but I’m fairly certain Santa doesn’t use a cockatoo to power his sleigh here. I just don’t get it. Sure, it’s a cool design—the white and yellow cockatoo is very pretty against a red background. But the words “Happy Christmas” next to it just confuse me.
So every time I walk out of my hostel, I see a banner and I do think “Great, Christmas is coming!” But then I tend to spend the rest of my commute to work wondering what on earth a cockatoo has to do with it.

*Supposedly. After the freezing morning I’ve had today, I’ll believe it when I see it.

1 comment:

T said...

Hehehe, we don't do that SO much over here. Pohutakawa Trees, yes, but that's because a) they're green with awesome red flowers, and b) they bloom over Christmas.
I actually find it funny how all the shops over here use snow imagery without irony...

Possums though? Classy.